Tuesday, January 1, 2013

13 in '13

Goals never hurt anyone, right?

I've decided it was time to make some resolutions and hold myself to them. What better way to hold myself accountable than to make them public? In an honest attempt to become one of those people who always does what they say they will do, I have decided to start this little blog. I don't expect to have tons of readers, or for it to be something that all of my friends and family read everyday. It's just a way for me to express myself in a healthy, controlled way.

I've used almost every form of social media that's out there and they all seem to cause me more grief than good. So here I am, in the year 2013, vowing to the internet gods that I will become a blogger this year, and that by becoming a blogger I will tap into myself to ensure that I am always learning, always investigating, and always staying aware of who, where, and what I am during this year. With the introduction out of the way, I have decided to follow suite of a blogger that I read and publish 13 goals I want to accomplish in 2013. I pray that these goals are reasonable and doable, and that I am strong enough to follow through.

Here we go!

  1. Run 500 miles this year. I have been trying to become a "real runner" for the past two years. I don't know what my definition of a runner is, but it has been a long hard road figuring it out. I can run about 2.25 miles on the treadmill right now.
  2. Cook one new dish a week. I love to cook and I have been in a rut for the past year.
  3. Blog something every day. Whether it's a post, pictures, a quote that I like, whatever - just post something every single day.
  4. Make the effort to get to family dinner every single Sunday.
  5. Get married. I know this may sound silly since I have the ring, the date, the church, the reception hall already taken care of, but it's a big deal. It's a life moment that I will never forget so I want to be certain that I enjoy and treasure the day, the planning, and all those involved. Especially my fiance - obviously.
  6. House. Start the process of buying a house.
  7. Be quicker to listen and slower to talk.
  8. Write Sean one love letter every month. This is a lost art that needs to make a resurgence.
  9. Become less dependent on Facebook. I'm addicted.
  10. Take clothes to Goodwill at least twice.
  11. Catch up on all doctor's appointments.
  12. Give Christ the time he deserves.
  13. Quit wanting.

So there's my list for 2013.

I hope everyone had a happy new year, and here's to a new year!

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