Friday, April 5, 2013


Yea! It's Friday!

This week has been rough. Three days this week I didn't get home until around 10:30pm due to working at Jim's tax office. We're in the dead middle of tax season so next week doesn't look very promising either. Thankfully, April 15th is only ten glorious days away. I've never been one to wish away time, but I'd be cool with a FF button right now.

I don't know why everyone keeps saying the economy is coming back, because in times like these, it sure as hell doesn't feel like it.

For the second time in the seven months that I have been employed, there were layoffs at my day job. With those layoffs came some restructuring and I'm now responsible to answer the phones three days a week. "They're making me go backwards", I thought. The very first job I ever had after taking time off from college, was answering phones. I was not born to sit in a room and answer the damn telephone every time it rings. I was born to be moving around, to be creative, to think critically. I was not born for this!

While I'm friendly to all, I only talk on a personal level to about three people in the office. You can bet your dogs boots that they all knew I was frustrated by this turn of events. One of the people I talked to, reminded me that I should be thankful to be working still, that sometimes you have to let others do their part and while you're waiting, basically saying that sometimes"contentment is okay." Meh.

I decided I'd try and have a good attitude about it, and I started by "Betsy-fying" my new responsibilities. I made stuff look pretty. I'll do pretty much anything if it's pretty. I've already received a few compliments on the changes I've made and it reminded me that sometimes you have to suck it up and make the best of the worst. Is that what contentment means?

As I was heading home from Jim's office last night, Ashley texted me and said she had seen an e-mail from her boss to the Director asking what the status of bringing me on board was at this time. Ah. "Just let others do their part Betsy, and while you're waiting, be content."

Some people are geniusly genius... you just have to be willing to listen.

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