Tuesday, April 16, 2013

So Long!

Tax season is over! Can I get an AMEN?!

Whew! That was tougher than I thought. I honestly didn't think that going to Jim's office after putting in my normal days work would be that rough. But, let me tell you... after five days of thirteen hour days, one day of beer-festing it up, and another two days straight at Jim's office I AM POOPED. Not to mention the three weeks I put in before I started going over there every night. And wouldn't mind hearing the words "tax", "process", or "invoice" for a few months.

I will make a pretty penny from all the time I spent at his office, which honestly, makes it all worth it in my mind.

My big plan is to use some of the money to buy Sean's wedding band, to buy new running shoes, and put the rest into my IRA account... must.start.saving.more.money.

I found some Mizuno's on Amazon that are a good price, and while I like my Saucony's (which I spent a pretty penny on back in December) I'm ready for a switch-up.

And finally, now that tax season is over it's time to get back on the wedding train. I have a lot of balls up in the air right now and it's time to make them come down and put them in the spots they belong.

Here's a few pictures from our Saturday Brew Fest experience in Bloomington this past weekend.

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