A. Age: veinti y nueve
B. Bed size: Queen
C. Chore you hate: I hate folding clothes and putting them away. Hit the dryer start button again, please.
D. Dogs: Eventually, I think I want one. If it's a girl, her name will be Ola. If it's a boy, his name will be Dipo. See what we did there?
E. Essential start to your day: A shower, otherwise I feel like I'm sleeping all day.
F. Favorite color: Not a fair question. All of them.
G. Gold or Silver: Either. But if it's going to be gold, I need to pick it out.
H. Height: 5 feet 5 inches of awesomeness
I. Instruments you play: Used to play flute and tenor sax
J. Job Title: Administrative Assistant
K. Kids: Lucy, Eli, Graham, Levi, Addison, and Katie are my favs
L. Live: Living is good. Live music is better.
M. Married: Dude, ALMOST! :)
N. Nicknames: Betsy boo boo, Betsy Eugene, and thankfully I haven't heard anyone call me Boots recently. I hated that nickname.
O. Overnight hospital stays: Just once. When I had my gall bladder removed. Best and most painful couple days of my life. But my Grandma was admitted to the hospital at the same time so at least I had a good buddy.
P. Pet peeve: If I listed them all, I would no longer be liked. But my biggest pet peeve is when peeps text other people in the same room, amongst company. If it can't be said out loud at that time, then there is a better time and place for it. Show some respect.
Q. Quote: I love lots. But right at this moment in my life, this is the one I keep going back to:
"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are."
R. Righty or Lefty: Righty
S. Siblings: Lots. One older sister, one older brother, two little sisters. Two brother-in-laws, one sister-in-law and I'm about to add more once I get hitched. I love having a big family!
T. Time you wake up: 7am-ish
U. University attended: Indiana University
V. Vegetables you dislike: Lima Beans ;)
W. What makes you run late: Hitting the snooze button one too many times. Or stopping at the gas station for an emergency caffeine fix. Or the stupid light at Keystone & 96th Street.
X. X-rays you've had: I've broken both my arms, so there's two. And they take x-rays at the dentist too, but that has been done more than once.
Y. Yummy food: Ashley's Pizza Cups... Addicted.
Z. Zoo animal favorite: I'm always amazing at large freaking elephants.
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