Thursday, April 18, 2013

Linkup Thursday!


1. I laughed so hard I cried when... Megan took all the puppies in the movie Bridesmaids... still makes me laugh, just thinking of it! Matter of fact, I think I just planned my Saturday night.

2. My high school... is the pride of the east side! Bitches.

3. It really pisses me off... that my face keeps breaking out as if I'm not drinking a gallon of water a day and avoiding all chocolate. I'm 29 freaking years old and it's the worst I've ever had.

4. In ten years... my student loan payments will be gone!

5. If I could erase one thing... a really terrible decision I made in 2008. That's all you get.

6. In 1999...  I was a Freshman in highschool... and was just getting to know my HS bff, Katie.

7. Honestly... why does water coming out of a reusable water bottle taste so disgusting to me?

8. To me, Sushi... totally worth the money, most of the time.

9. Someone really needs to invent... an umbrella for the sky. Shouldn't we be able to control the weather by now?

10. The first time I drank alcohol... I was barely 20, at IU. What do you expect from one of the #1 party schools in the nation?

11. The one question I would ask God is... am I doing okay?

12. Lindsay Lohan... totally cray cray, but I love it when she lets her hair color be natural

Check out how others answered the questions at Holly's blog!

1 comment:

  1. haven't you ever heard the Luke Bryan song, "Rain is a Good Thing" dad is a farmer, so we need it! thanks for linking with us!
