Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Thing About Blogging

I've enjoyed blogging over the past couple of months. It's been a great outlet for me, and it's been fun thinking of different topics to write about.

I've been very open and have allowed myself to freely publish whatever I so choose, without fear of others judgments or such. <---That's always been a hard thing for me, I worry way too much about what others think. But I don't really worry about it too much here because a) no one is standing right in front me and b) you don't have to read this if you don't like what I have to say.

However, there are some things that I can't blog about while they are going on. Not because I'm mad at anyone, and not because anyone is breaking up, but because when I signed up to work for my current company I signed a piece of paper stating I wouldn't talk crap about them while employed. And it's not even that I want to talk crap, it's just that I want to write about it. But. I can't.

And that's really hard for me because it's all I want to talk about right now.

Because I have no clue what I should do.

So, I'll leave you in suspense.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Best Weekend

I've had a lot of great weekends in my day. From weekends where I did absolutely nothing to weekends where I went non-stop from the time I left work to the time I arrived (probably a few minutes late) back at the office Monday morning. Sometimes my weekends are full of just-me time, and sometimes they're full of Sean-time. Sometimes they're full of family-time and other times they are full of super-bored time. This weekend on the other hand was a perfect balance of me-time, Sean-time, family-time, and friend-time.

Work has been pretty stressful lately, and I'll be the first to admit that I have been in a funk. Poor Sean has had to deal with moody Betsy for a little bit, and bless his heart he's always trying to do whatever it takes to lift me back up. He likes me to be happy, but he understands and is good at letting me be down sometimes too. If you want to see the light, you have to deal with a little darkness every now and again.


Friday night we had plans to make fish tacos with our best brew friends, but Hilary woke up feeling sick so the plans were cancelled. I was okay with the cancellation because I had not cleaned the house all week, and I knew I wouldn't be 100% comfortable with company until I had everything in it's place and cleaned up. Instead we made plans for Sean's Mom and Aunt to come visit us after they were done shopping, which wouldn't be until around 10pm that evening.

I came home after an awful attempt at working out (if it's not a planned workout day and I try to squeeze one in, it never goes well.) and spent some time cleaning up the house, took a nice shower, and began enjoying some scrumptious beer with Sean. We enjoyed some bread and olive oil and instead of fish tacos we had crab & cheese balls, fish filet's, and caesar salad.Sean's Mom and Aunt showed up right on queue and we had a really nice visit with them. I love when they come over to just hang out and chat. There is always good conversation, drinks, and laughter. I'm so lucky to be marrying into a family that I love as much as I love my own. Sean's Mom informed us that they are going to book the Milano Inn for our rehearsal dinner and we were both OVERJOYED. Overjoyed doesn't exactly cover how excited we are about it. We love that restaurant, and both of our families have fond memories there from years past.

After our company left I retired to the bedroom and got a ton of sleep. I woke up Saturday morning and laid around the house until it was time to travel to Avon to meet up with my best friend, Ash. She was playing in a snowball tournament and I knew there would be lots of great friends there that I hadn't seen in far too long. It was a fun day, and as you can see from this post it turned into a mud ball tournament instead of a snowball tournament. They were all muddy messes, but it was just a joy to watch. I am NOT a softball player, but I'm  a great fan.They lost their first game, won their second game and then lost their third game. Since it's a two-and-out tourney they were done for the day.

Ash came back to my apartment with me and we proceeded to imbibe and enjoy appetizers with Sean and our friend, Scotty. We stayed up until 5am talking, laughing, and helping each other through difficult situations that we are dealing with in our current time. It  was an amazing night and just what I needed. I miss my friends so much it is a big part of the funk I've been in lately. You don't find friends like the ones I have very often and it's killing me to be a part from them. *sigh*

We woke up Sunday and had a delicious lunch at Abuelo's and then we said our goodbye's. I spent the rest of the day laying on the couch, watching the Oscar's, and thinking about how much I needed this weekend.

The only thing missing was family dinner with my family. My parents are in Haiti on a mission trip, and even though it was my younger sisters birthday (her husband's family has family dinners on Sundays as well, so they alternate weekends), we didn't make plans to get together. I suppose I could have set something up with my other siblings, but I think we were all okay spending the evening chilling at home. We'll reconvene next weekend to catch up.

And now here we are on Monday morning, getting ready to tackle another week...

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and here's to hopefully a good week!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Easy Cheesy Veggie Quinoa

The cooking bug struck last night and I created a new dish - I call it Easy Cheesy Veggie Quinoa.

The name is not as creative as the dish. I recognize that.

I've been wanting to try quinoa for quite some time... but the price tag has always stopped me. Almost $8 for a little bag of seeds? No thanks! But the urge to try something new was stronger than my urge to not spend a ton of money this week so I bought a bag.

I decided I wanted to actually like quinoa so I came up with a cheese and veggie mix that has never failed me in the past.

The end result!

The result? AMAZING.

I served it with a Morning Star Chix Patty and voila! I had a healthy, yummy, filling dinner.

And as I do, I drizzled Sriracha over the top of the easy cheesy veggie quinoa and also had a dollop to dip my Chix Patty in.

Easy Cheesy Veggie Quinoa

1 cup uncooked quinoa (makes three cups cooked)
2 Cups Vegetable Mix of choice
I used mushrooms, carrots, onion, zucchini, spinach, and pea pods. Frozen veggies would work, too.
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
1 tablespoon Minced Garlic (I used the kind you can buy already minced)
 salt & paper to taste

Cook quinoa per box instructions.

Saute veggies in 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil

Once veggies are soft, transfer to food processor and pulse a few times. You don't want the veggies to become mush, so be careful not to pulse too many times. I pulsed three times, stirred the veggies, and then pulsed three more times.

Mix cooked quinoa and veggies together.
You won't need to drain the quinoa, the liquid should be pretty much gone by the time the quinoa is fully cooked.

Add cheese.

Add garlic.

Salt & Pepper to taste.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Day Late: Gym Rats

This post was meant for yesterday, but I didn't finish it in time and I didn't want to rush it just to post something. But, it works out for the best that it wasn't posted yesterday because now I can tell you the whole story!

I won't lie to you, I have totally fallen off the gym train.

It's been a good two weeks since I've stepped onto one of the machines that sits just right down the stairs and to the left of my office suite. I've been traveling, I've been sick, and I have had ZERO motivation. However, the lack of motivation isn't coming from me being lazy or just not wanting to work out. The lack of motivation is coming from the three, sometimes four, twenty-something old girls who look like they need to go eat a sandwich more than they need to get on one of the exercise machines.

That was probably really mean to say, and I know that exercise is good for everyone... But they have been stompin' on my parade so I may be a little bitter.

In the past, I have been the only person in the gym. I would take my inhaler right before I started the process of shutting down the office -flipping light switches,  turning off TVs, locking doors, making sure no one left food out in the kitchen, etc. By the time I got downstairs and changed, my inhaler had done it's job and I was ready to move it, move it.

I didn't have to use ear buds (which never stay in my ears), I didn't have to worry about coordinating my workout clothes to be somewhat decent looking, I didn't have to worry about anything but finishing my workout without dying.

But the last couple times I tried to hit the gym it was full. Full of twenty somethings, full of their clothes, full of their stuff, their conversations, and their music.

If you know me, you know that I'm pretty self-conscious when it comes to body image.

One of the times I went as far as going into a stall to change but then decided it was just too much. They were too much.

I know that I'm being way to self-conscious about this but there is something about them that really grind my gears. I can't decide if it's how they undress in the bathroom without hiding themselves, or how they wait in the lobby for others who clearly don't even work in the building to let them in, or if it's how they spread out on the machines and then have conversations over the machines running and music.

Or if it's me focusing on all the wrong things. It's probably that.

I decided yesterday that I wasn't going to let them stop me from getting my workout in. I decided that even if they were down there acting like they owned the place, I would still change my clothes, get on the treadmill, run, and finish my workout.

I also decided that if they were acting like fools, I'd just go ahead and be THAT person and report them. I know that at least two of them do not work in the office and therefore they aren't allowed to join the gym, therefore they were using it for free.

6pm came. I shut the office down. I took a couple deep breathes and I went downstairs.

Empty gym.

Isn't that the way the world turns?

I had a great run.

I made sure to thank the powers that be on the way home.

And I'll be ready to handle it like a big girl the next time I want to get my workout on and they show up. It isn't about them, it's about me getting healthy. God gave me a pass this time, but I think it was just to remind me that I don't need to be so damned worried all the time about stuff that is out of my control.

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Day I Met Baby Graham

Sleepy Graham

Aunt Betsy (me!) & Graham

Graham Cracker - Sweet, Lean, & Snappy!

One eye open, one eye shut - he wasn't too sure!

Back to sleep.

Big Brother Eli! :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Night Out with our Best Brew Friends

Tomlinson Tap Room

Indianapolis, Indiana

Lift Off by Daredevil

Tomlinson Tap Room sits on top of the City Market

They carry all Indiana craft brews.

Bee Creek Brewery is out of business, this beer was a year old but still yummy!

Indianapolis City Market

Black Market

Indianapolis, Indiana

Black Market - a unique place at the end of Mass Ave.

Me and my honey bee, Sean

Neat way to serve water!

Our best brew friends, John & Hilary

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Who needs a Wobbly Wednesday post on a day when you've been blessed with a new nephew? Not this girl.

Valentine's Day has also been put on a delay. As I mentioned yesterday I'm battling a pretty nasty head cold and it turns out Sean is as well. Our plan of making steak tacos and enjoying some special beer has been put on hold until tomorrow evening. Neither one of us can stand the idea of eating and drinking but not not being able to taste the deliciousness that is Mexican and hops.

And yes, we do celebrate Valentine's Day. I know a lot of people who like to poo poo it and call it a "manufactured holiday" but I see nothing wrong with showing a little extra love every now and again. Sean is really good at surprising me with little events, outings, and flowers on a regular basis so we don't go overboard for Valentines Day, but it is nice to come back together for a day and show appreciation for each other.

So I hope your Valentine's Day is filled with chocolate, snuggling, and whatever else fills your heart with happiness.

Happy Valentine's Day love birds - especially to mine!

You can order this Heart Glove from here.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Graham!

My sister and her husband welcomed their third sweet little baby into the world at 11:05 this morning. I've been obsessed with Lucy and Eli since they were born, and this little guy already has me wrapped around his little finger. He weighs 7lbs 15oz and is 21 inches long. He looks very similar to Eli when he was first born so there's no doubt that he's going to be a little charmer.

They named him Graham Cecil Acklin. Sounds pretty royal, doesn't it?! Cecil is our paternal Grandmother's maiden name so his name has a special ring to it that we all adore. I know she's smiling down on them and happy as can be that they are honoring her by giving Graham her maiden name.

Welcome to the world little man!

Graham Cecil Acklin
Sadly, I have to wait to meet him as I am battling what has become a painful head cold. Yesterday I only had a small case of the sniffles (I shrugged it off to the crazy weather changes as I really don't get a cold very often) but as today progresses my throat has become more and more sore and my headache isn't subsiding even though I doused myself with ibuprofen and DayQuil. I wouldn't be taking my Aunt duties very seriously if I got him sick the first time I met him. Instead I'll wait until I am on the mend and can give him the adequate amount of smooches, snuggling, and loving that he deserves.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fat Tuesday

Happy Fat Tuesday!

I feel like I have never given Fat Tuesday the time it deserves. Who wouldn't want to indulge a little bit before starting Lent? If my friends were closer in proximity I would have invited them over for a Taco Tuesday night with all the fixin's. But, they're not sadly.

The director of my department spoiled us this afternoon with cupcakes from Gigi's Cupcakes I've never had one of those fancy cupcakes that you see on TV, so this was an extra special delight! It was an apple cinnamon cupcake topped with two heaps of butter cream icing and sprinkled with yellow, purple, and green sugar sprinkles.

I planned to take a picture of it for my blog because I was so impressed with it's presentation... but I forgot... until I was almost done with the cupcake. I guess that's what no breakfast and no lunch will do to you.

I've been totally lacking the motivation I need to get myself some food put together so I've just been eating whatever is in front of me whenever I feel a bit hungry. Not smart. I'm still staying under my calorie limit... but I think I've eaten at least six Ghiradelli squares in the last 24 hours. Whoopsie.

So, here's to you Fat Tuesday, in all it's glory - I present to you my more than 1/2 eaten, delicious cupcake.


Monday, February 11, 2013

More time with Him

Today, the pope decided it was time to step down. Personally, I find it to be a very humbling and courageous move that should be shown nothing but respect. Not everyone knows when it's time to step down, or when it's time to step away from a situation that isn't right for them. God worked through Pope Benedict XVI in many ways, and God now believes it is time for the pope to spend quiet time with Him.

I hope that someday I hear God so clearly as the pope has in this situation.

Can you imagine how hard it was to put himself aside? To recognize that the Catholic Church as a whole needs a leader right now who is stronger than him? To know that the world would be in shock, and to still follow through?

For me, it's a reminder to all of us that nothing is more important than our relationship with God. This life on earth is a tiny piece of forever.

Timothy Stanley, an opinion columnist for wrote a great piece that sums up my feelings towards the situation.

I copy and pasted the below text from this link.

Journalists have a habit of calling too many things "historic" -- but on this occasion, the word is appropriate. The Roman Catholic Church is run like an elected monarchy, and popes are supposed to rule until death; no pope has stepped down since 1415.
Therefore, it almost feels like a concession to the modern world to read that Benedict XVI is retiring on grounds of ill health, as if he were a CEO rather than God's man on Earth. That's highly ironic considering that Benedict will be remembered as perhaps the most "conservative" pope since the 1950s -- a leader who tried to assert theological principle over fashionable compromise.
Timothy Stanley
Timothy Stanley
The word "conservative" is actually misleading, and the monk who received me into the Catholic Church in 2006 -- roughly a year after Benedict began his pontificate -- would be appalled to read me using it. In Catholicism, there is no right or left but only orthodoxy and error. As such, Benedict would understand the more controversial stances that he took as pope not as "turning back the clock" but as asserting a living tradition that had become undervalued within the church. His success in this regard will be felt for generations to come.
He not only permitted but quietly encouraged traditionalists to say the old rite, reviving the use of Latin or receiving the communion wafer on the tongue. He issued a new translation of the Roman Missal that tried to make its language more precise. And, in thewords of one priest, he encouraged the idea that "we ought to take care and time in preparing for the liturgy, and ensure we celebrate it with as much dignity as possible." His emphasis was upon reverence and reflection, which has been a healthy antidote to the 1960s style of Catholicism that encouraged feverish participation bordering on theatrics.
Nothing the pope proposed was new, but it could be called radical, trying to recapture some of the certainty and beauty that pervaded Catholicism before the reforming Vatican II. Inevitably, this upset some. Progressives felt that he was promoting a form of religion that belonged to a different century, that his firm belief in traditional moral theology threatened to distance the church from the people it was supposed to serve.

If that's true, it wasn't the pope's intent. Contrary to the general impression that he's favored a smaller, purer church, Benedict has actually done his best to expand its reach. The most visible sign was his engagement on Twitter. But he also reached out to the Eastern Orthodox Churches and spoke up for Christians persecuted in the Middle East.
In the United Kingdom, he encouraged married Anglican priests to defect. He has even opened up dialogue with Islam. During his tenure, we've also seen a new embrace of Catholicism in the realm of politics, from Paul Ryan's nomination to Tony Blair's high-profile conversion. And far from only talking about sex, Benedict expanded the number of sins to include things such as pollution. It's too often forgotten that in the 1960s he was considered a liberal who eschewed the clerical collar.
The divisions and controversies that occurred under Benedict's leadership had little to do with him personally and a lot more to do with the Catholic Church's difficult relationship with the modern world. As a Catholic convert, I've signed up to its positions on sexual ethics, but I appreciate that many millions have not. A balance has to be struck between the rights of believers and nonbelievers, between respect for tradition and the freedom to reject it.
As the world has struggled to strike that balance (consider the role that same-sex marriage and abortion played in the 2012 election) so the church has found itself forced to be a combatant in the great, ugly culture war. Benedict would rather it played the role of reconciler and healer of wounds, but at this moment in history that's not possible. Unfortunately, its alternative role as moral arbiter has been undermined by the pedophile scandal. Nothing has dogged this pontificate so much as the tragedy of child abuse, and it will continue to blot its reputation for decades to come.
For all these problems, my sense is that Benedict will be remembered as a thinker rather than a fighter. I have been so fortunate to become a Catholic at a moment of liturgical revival under a pope who can write a book as majestic and wise as his biography of Jesus. I've been lucky to know a pope with a sense of humor and a willingness to talk and engage.
If he wasn't what the modern world wanted -- if he wasn't prepared to bend every principle or rule to appease all the people all the time -- then that's the world's problem rather than his. Although he has attained one very modern distinction indeed. On Monday, he trended ahead of Justin Bieber on Twitter for at least an hour.

Sunday, February 10, 2013