Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Day Late: Gym Rats

This post was meant for yesterday, but I didn't finish it in time and I didn't want to rush it just to post something. But, it works out for the best that it wasn't posted yesterday because now I can tell you the whole story!

I won't lie to you, I have totally fallen off the gym train.

It's been a good two weeks since I've stepped onto one of the machines that sits just right down the stairs and to the left of my office suite. I've been traveling, I've been sick, and I have had ZERO motivation. However, the lack of motivation isn't coming from me being lazy or just not wanting to work out. The lack of motivation is coming from the three, sometimes four, twenty-something old girls who look like they need to go eat a sandwich more than they need to get on one of the exercise machines.

That was probably really mean to say, and I know that exercise is good for everyone... But they have been stompin' on my parade so I may be a little bitter.

In the past, I have been the only person in the gym. I would take my inhaler right before I started the process of shutting down the office -flipping light switches,  turning off TVs, locking doors, making sure no one left food out in the kitchen, etc. By the time I got downstairs and changed, my inhaler had done it's job and I was ready to move it, move it.

I didn't have to use ear buds (which never stay in my ears), I didn't have to worry about coordinating my workout clothes to be somewhat decent looking, I didn't have to worry about anything but finishing my workout without dying.

But the last couple times I tried to hit the gym it was full. Full of twenty somethings, full of their clothes, full of their stuff, their conversations, and their music.

If you know me, you know that I'm pretty self-conscious when it comes to body image.

One of the times I went as far as going into a stall to change but then decided it was just too much. They were too much.

I know that I'm being way to self-conscious about this but there is something about them that really grind my gears. I can't decide if it's how they undress in the bathroom without hiding themselves, or how they wait in the lobby for others who clearly don't even work in the building to let them in, or if it's how they spread out on the machines and then have conversations over the machines running and music.

Or if it's me focusing on all the wrong things. It's probably that.

I decided yesterday that I wasn't going to let them stop me from getting my workout in. I decided that even if they were down there acting like they owned the place, I would still change my clothes, get on the treadmill, run, and finish my workout.

I also decided that if they were acting like fools, I'd just go ahead and be THAT person and report them. I know that at least two of them do not work in the office and therefore they aren't allowed to join the gym, therefore they were using it for free.

6pm came. I shut the office down. I took a couple deep breathes and I went downstairs.

Empty gym.

Isn't that the way the world turns?

I had a great run.

I made sure to thank the powers that be on the way home.

And I'll be ready to handle it like a big girl the next time I want to get my workout on and they show up. It isn't about them, it's about me getting healthy. God gave me a pass this time, but I think it was just to remind me that I don't need to be so damned worried all the time about stuff that is out of my control.

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