Thursday, February 14, 2013


Who needs a Wobbly Wednesday post on a day when you've been blessed with a new nephew? Not this girl.

Valentine's Day has also been put on a delay. As I mentioned yesterday I'm battling a pretty nasty head cold and it turns out Sean is as well. Our plan of making steak tacos and enjoying some special beer has been put on hold until tomorrow evening. Neither one of us can stand the idea of eating and drinking but not not being able to taste the deliciousness that is Mexican and hops.

And yes, we do celebrate Valentine's Day. I know a lot of people who like to poo poo it and call it a "manufactured holiday" but I see nothing wrong with showing a little extra love every now and again. Sean is really good at surprising me with little events, outings, and flowers on a regular basis so we don't go overboard for Valentines Day, but it is nice to come back together for a day and show appreciation for each other.

So I hope your Valentine's Day is filled with chocolate, snuggling, and whatever else fills your heart with happiness.

Happy Valentine's Day love birds - especially to mine!

You can order this Heart Glove from here.

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