Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fat Tuesday

Happy Fat Tuesday!

I feel like I have never given Fat Tuesday the time it deserves. Who wouldn't want to indulge a little bit before starting Lent? If my friends were closer in proximity I would have invited them over for a Taco Tuesday night with all the fixin's. But, they're not sadly.

The director of my department spoiled us this afternoon with cupcakes from Gigi's Cupcakes I've never had one of those fancy cupcakes that you see on TV, so this was an extra special delight! It was an apple cinnamon cupcake topped with two heaps of butter cream icing and sprinkled with yellow, purple, and green sugar sprinkles.

I planned to take a picture of it for my blog because I was so impressed with it's presentation... but I forgot... until I was almost done with the cupcake. I guess that's what no breakfast and no lunch will do to you.

I've been totally lacking the motivation I need to get myself some food put together so I've just been eating whatever is in front of me whenever I feel a bit hungry. Not smart. I'm still staying under my calorie limit... but I think I've eaten at least six Ghiradelli squares in the last 24 hours. Whoopsie.

So, here's to you Fat Tuesday, in all it's glory - I present to you my more than 1/2 eaten, delicious cupcake.


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