Monday, February 25, 2013

The Best Weekend

I've had a lot of great weekends in my day. From weekends where I did absolutely nothing to weekends where I went non-stop from the time I left work to the time I arrived (probably a few minutes late) back at the office Monday morning. Sometimes my weekends are full of just-me time, and sometimes they're full of Sean-time. Sometimes they're full of family-time and other times they are full of super-bored time. This weekend on the other hand was a perfect balance of me-time, Sean-time, family-time, and friend-time.

Work has been pretty stressful lately, and I'll be the first to admit that I have been in a funk. Poor Sean has had to deal with moody Betsy for a little bit, and bless his heart he's always trying to do whatever it takes to lift me back up. He likes me to be happy, but he understands and is good at letting me be down sometimes too. If you want to see the light, you have to deal with a little darkness every now and again.


Friday night we had plans to make fish tacos with our best brew friends, but Hilary woke up feeling sick so the plans were cancelled. I was okay with the cancellation because I had not cleaned the house all week, and I knew I wouldn't be 100% comfortable with company until I had everything in it's place and cleaned up. Instead we made plans for Sean's Mom and Aunt to come visit us after they were done shopping, which wouldn't be until around 10pm that evening.

I came home after an awful attempt at working out (if it's not a planned workout day and I try to squeeze one in, it never goes well.) and spent some time cleaning up the house, took a nice shower, and began enjoying some scrumptious beer with Sean. We enjoyed some bread and olive oil and instead of fish tacos we had crab & cheese balls, fish filet's, and caesar salad.Sean's Mom and Aunt showed up right on queue and we had a really nice visit with them. I love when they come over to just hang out and chat. There is always good conversation, drinks, and laughter. I'm so lucky to be marrying into a family that I love as much as I love my own. Sean's Mom informed us that they are going to book the Milano Inn for our rehearsal dinner and we were both OVERJOYED. Overjoyed doesn't exactly cover how excited we are about it. We love that restaurant, and both of our families have fond memories there from years past.

After our company left I retired to the bedroom and got a ton of sleep. I woke up Saturday morning and laid around the house until it was time to travel to Avon to meet up with my best friend, Ash. She was playing in a snowball tournament and I knew there would be lots of great friends there that I hadn't seen in far too long. It was a fun day, and as you can see from this post it turned into a mud ball tournament instead of a snowball tournament. They were all muddy messes, but it was just a joy to watch. I am NOT a softball player, but I'm  a great fan.They lost their first game, won their second game and then lost their third game. Since it's a two-and-out tourney they were done for the day.

Ash came back to my apartment with me and we proceeded to imbibe and enjoy appetizers with Sean and our friend, Scotty. We stayed up until 5am talking, laughing, and helping each other through difficult situations that we are dealing with in our current time. It  was an amazing night and just what I needed. I miss my friends so much it is a big part of the funk I've been in lately. You don't find friends like the ones I have very often and it's killing me to be a part from them. *sigh*

We woke up Sunday and had a delicious lunch at Abuelo's and then we said our goodbye's. I spent the rest of the day laying on the couch, watching the Oscar's, and thinking about how much I needed this weekend.

The only thing missing was family dinner with my family. My parents are in Haiti on a mission trip, and even though it was my younger sisters birthday (her husband's family has family dinners on Sundays as well, so they alternate weekends), we didn't make plans to get together. I suppose I could have set something up with my other siblings, but I think we were all okay spending the evening chilling at home. We'll reconvene next weekend to catch up.

And now here we are on Monday morning, getting ready to tackle another week...

I hope everyone had a great weekend, and here's to hopefully a good week!

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