Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Very Delayed Long-Weekend Recap

Harry ‘Buddy’ Lee DeVol III, 59

JAN. 18, 1954 — MAR. 16, 2013

My dearest best friend, Ashley, lost her father to a hard-fought battle with skin cancer. Ashley and her Dad, Buddy, had the type of relationship that most father-daughters only wish for. They fished together, they cooked together, they hung out together whenever they could. Ashley was "Daddy's little girl" and there isn't anyone who would tell you differently.

When I found out he passed away, I knew I couldn't be anywhere else but down in Bloomington with her and her family during the process of giving him a proper farewell. Ashley has been there for me through all of my ups and downs and in's and out's over the past gazillion years, and I've come to love her family as much as I love her. I needed to be there.

After a little resistance from my boss - hey, I had the time to use, let me go be with my friend during the hardest time of her life. K, thanks. I took Thursday and Friday off to work and spent four days down in Bloomington.

I packed a ton of clothing, and pretty much anything I thought I would need for a 10 day trip for a long weekend away. I'm a major over-packer, so I was happy that I could literally pack my last seat full of four different sweatshirts, dress clothes, spread-out clothes, shoes galore, my pillow, blankets, etc. When you aren't sure where you'll be staying it's good to be prepared.
Getting their hair did.

The four days in Bloomington went really fast, as they usually do.

I got to Buddy's house around 1:30, just in time for the family to hold their private service for Buddy in the basement. Mandy, Patrick and I stayed upstairs with two of the little girls to keep them occupied. Mandy and I had our hair done by the little girls - which turned out well for Mandy, but turned out to be a horrible idea for me considering I wore my hair curly that day and used a ton of hairspray. OUCH! Thankfully Patrick was willing to take my spot and have his hair combed. I won't even mention the packing peanuts we let them play with - WHAT was I thinking?!

After the service ended, we joined everyone downstairs and enjoyed food that Mandy donated from the restaurant she manages. Mandy deserves an award for always being so willing to just be there, whenever, whatever, and however she is needed. I can see why she's earned the best friend title from Ashley.

Sean came down for a little bit to give his condolences and spend a little time with us. He brought beautiful bright pink roses for Ashley, and we all enjoyed good conversation before he took off to visit his brother in St. Louis for the NCAA tourney.
Brandis, Me, Ashley - please note the scenery.

Thursday night we spent the evening at Chad (Ashley's brother) and Karen's (Chad's BEAUTIFUL fiance) and I was quickly reminded HOW MUCH I MISS this group of people. Grilling in 18 degree weather, playing garage volleyball, and drinking crap beer are only minor reasons. The major reason is that I was happy - these people make me happy. There's friendship, there's respect, there's silliness, there's companionship, and most importantly there's an invisible string that binds us all together and that string is braided with years of helping each other live our best lives. It's true that you just don't find good friends everywhere, and when you do find them NEVER LET THEM GO.
Friday afternoon I had my second interview (whoop! whoop!) which went really, really well. They are
expected to make a decision in the coming week or so and Sean and I will then decide what direction our life will take. While he was in St. Louis he had Chinese food, and he sent me a picture of his fortune - I think it says it all!

After my interview, Ashley met me at the mall and we wondered around shopping. I bought some cute jeans and the same IU sweatshirt that Ashley has, but in red. What can I say, she has good taste! We then went back to Chad and Karen's to watch IU beat James Madison Dukes to advance in the tourney.

Friday night, Ashley's bff from high school came from Terre Haute to visit and be there for the family. I hadn't ever really had a chance to hang out with her, and I am so glad she came because she's a doll. She's just like Ashley. I had so much fun getting to know her and we ended up talking well into the night while everyone else slept.

My hair still smells like camp fire.
Saturday was the Celebration of Life for Buddy at his house. I suppose I should have painted you a picture so you could know what his place is like. The most important thing to note is that he built the house with his own two hands, and it's probably the most unique house I've ever entered. From the outside it looks like a cabin, but on the inside it is just stunning. You walk in the foyer and you are welcomed by an open-concept, wood-framed A-frame ceiling, with a sunken living room and a fireplace that you usually only see in magazines. The house sits on 72 acres of land, so as you can imagine there's always a fascinating view no matter the season.

There were a lot of people who came to pay their respects, and the day was jam packed with hugs, tears, and thankfully, sunshine. As the evening approached, a bonfire was started and beers were cracked open. The rest of the night was spent partying it up the way Buddy would have wanted - lots of singing, guitar playing, dancing, food, and enjoying each other's company.

I was quickly reminded Sunday morning that I am no longer in my young 20's and I can't party hardy like I used to. After attempting to swallow down Mexican food from my favorite Mexican restaurant in Bloomington, I made the trek home just in time to watch IU barely make it past Temple to advance to the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA tourney.

And then I slept. Hard.

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