Wednesday, March 20, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Recap

We may or may not have started
celebrating on Thursday night with $3
beers at Stacked Pickle.
It was all Sean's idea.

Saturday afternoon IU played in the Big Ten Tourney, the game was set for 1:40pm and well, we just won't talk about how that game ended.

However, everything else went perfectly wonderful that day. Except my desserts, but I'll explain more in a bit.

We invited whoever wanted to come over, to come over - any time after noon.

I knew no one in my family could attend sadly, since it was such late notice. Lucy was sick, Justin & Erin had plans with friends, Jenny & Patrick were attending a birthday bash, and Laura was working. Oh, and my parents were in Arizona soaking up the sunshine and enjoying Red's Spring Training baseball. insert copious amounts of jealousy here. Maybe next time.
Sean's family on the other hand was available, so his parents, sister, and their combo of three puppies came over to visit. Sean's friend Marsh, and our best brew friends came over. It was a good mixture of sports-nuts, beer-nuts, and girly talk. (We also finalized our menu for the rehearsal dinner which is super exciting!)

Friday night Sean hit up the liquor store and packed our fridge full of Guinness, Irish beers, and he even got me a little treat - Sixpoint's 3 Beans Beer. It's a mix of beer and coffee, and I just love it! Sean's Dad brought a cooler full of different beers, as well as our best brew friends. There was no shortage of beer, or styles of beer that day.

I made two crock pots of meat - one chicken, and one steak and we had all of the taco fixin's to feed everyone who was hungry. I also tried my hand at baking and while everyone said my concoctions tasted good.. they weren't really pretty, and they definitely didn't turn out as planned.

I hate baking. It's officially official.

Even though I sprayed the shiz
out of the bottom of this...
I made (No Bake) Mint Oreo Melt aways and St. Patrick's Day Blondie's (You can click on the names of the baked goodies to get to the recipes.) If you would like to try to make either, and then comment on how awesome your attempt turned out, I encourage it. It won't even bother me, because I have officially decided I am just not a baker.

I hate that I have to use measuring spoons and watch the timer. I hate that you can't substitute whatever you're missing for something else that you actually have in your cabinet, and I hate the time it takes to prepare, bake, and clean up. Cooking is way different to me - I can create things, "Betsy Recipe's" as I like to call them. I can add, take away, or completely change a recipe at my will. But, not with baking. If you don't follow the recipe to a T you might as well as pick up store-made cookies and ice cream to back you up. And sometimes, like in my case, even when you do follow the recipe to a T it still doesn't turn out as anticipated. It's annoying. And I hate it. And it makes me grumpy.

Anyways, to further my point the (No Bake) Mint Oreo Melt aways never set so it was messy, gooey, and not pretty. It did, however, still taste good... or so they said. The St. Patrick's Day Blondie's were okay. But, they were kinda boring.

There were lots of shirts to choose from, but this one
seemed most appropriate.

Elizabeth agreed to be the baker of the Davies family, so at least I have that side of family covered. Praise the baby Jesus!

We all basically just sat around, enjoyed each others company and enjoyed food and drink. Basketball was on the TV ALL DAY so we didn't watch any movies or anything. Elizabeth showed me her plans for her hair the day of our wedding (love it!) while Colleen worked on her crossword puzzle and the guys talked about beer, food, basketball, and the weather. Speaking of the weather, we didn't have the amazing weather we had last year so the windows were all shut and we had our heat on. I hung silly clover garland over the drapes and Sean had on his super cheesy St. Patrick's Day shirt. He has no Irish in him, but I do, so the day was worth celebrating.

And now I feel like I'm reaching to add more substance to the day, but there isn't really much else to report. Good food, great company, yummy beers, and bad desserts. I hope your St. Patrick's Day was just as fulfilling!


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