About two years into the job the company started going through some changes that I hadn't seen coming. Including a staff reduction. Since I was part of the managment team, guilt set it in pretty quickly, and between those feelings and feeling overwhelmed by yet another manager to get used to I hit my breaking point. I wasn't sleeping. Crying was normal. I wasn't being as productive as I should be because to put it simply - I was a burn out. And no amount of trying to have a positive attitude was going to get me out of this one.
I talked it over with the people close to me and in early July I put my notice in to leave the company. I figured I'd move to Indy, get back in school, find a job and life would be hunky dory.
However, there were a couple of things that I forgot to think through:
- What the heck do I want to do with myself?
- I knew I didn't want to take out more school loans, but how exactly was I intending on paying for school?
- the job market is a b-word right now
Eventually I figured out that really, I was just a victim of my own bad decisions and there was no one to blame or look at than myself. I bid my time working at Walgreens until school started, and then eventually I found a job that I am currently at that I love.
I ran across this quote again the other day, and I am happy to say that I'm back in this place. I have a great job with an architecture company, I am learning, I am enrolled in school & can go back whenever I am ready, and a nice perk - I lucked out with another fabulous boss. This time I am promising myself that no matter what comes, I am not going back to that dark place. No matter what the company head hanchos decide to do with the company I am not going to perceive myself as a victim. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have, and that's all I need to do as well. I feel like I'm finally living this again. And it feels great.
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