Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bridal Show & A New Dish!

My Mom invited me to attend a bridal show today at the Scottish Rite Cathedral downtown Indianapolis. I am so glad I went! Sean and I often attend beer fests, and this was just the same but with everything wedding instead of everything beer. There were lots of fun people with big smiles roaming around, booths full of giveaways, and you always leave with bags of stuff that you'll just end up throwing away later.

My Mom and I were joined by her friend and daughter who is also getting married this year. We had a ball! I could have gone without the "fashion show" at the end of the day, had I known it was going to be a David's Bridal show I would have avoided it  like I avoid sick people, bad attitudes, and vomit. But I'm thankful we went because I was able to grab a TON of information on where to honeymoon - something that Sean and I are both looking forward to very, very much!

After I got home I decided I had better make something new for dinner so that I didn't fail my 13 in '13 so quickly.  I found a recipe for Philly Cheese steak Sloppy Joe's on Pinterest, which led me to the recipe which you can find here. The only thing I did different was leave the onions and green peppers on the side since Sean hates all things veggie. Also, I made it an open-face sandwich so I could make it look more pretty. I love pretty food.

Happy Saturday!

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