Friday, January 4, 2013

TGIF & Excercise-Induced Asthma

I've started this year off with a bang when it comes to keeping up with my 13 in '13 resolutions. One of the 13 resolutions included catching up on doctor's appointments. I haven't had insurance for the past two years, so I've been avoiding the doctor as much as possible. Now that I'm back in the working world with insurance, it's important to me that I take care of my body, my eyes, my teeth, and everything else in between. I'm not getting any younger and let's face it, things start to change once you hit the big 3 - 0... which is less than 12 months away for me! Yikes.

I went into the appointment thinking it would be a normal physical and they would draw some blood to make sure all my levels were normal. I walked out of the appointment with a diagnosis of exercise-induced asthma and a prescription for an inhaler.

I've been noticing lately that I am rather dizzy and lightheaded after running on the treadmill. I figured it was just because I was well, running on a treadmill. I have suffered from terrible motion sickness in the past so it made sense to me that the dizziness from running on the treadmill was simply another way of motion sickness rearing it's ugly head. After talking with the Doctor for awhile, and realizing that it's taken me far too long to really be able to run more than two miles, we decided that there must be something more working against me. My sister deals with a similar ailment so it really isn't a far fetch for a diagnosis and treatment.

My doctor asked me to give it a try for the next two weeks and then report back to him about how I'm feeling. A cool $44 later (no thanks to insurance) I have the inhaler in hand and we're off. I'll test it out tonight for the first time.

Fingers crossed that this helps.

I would like to think that I'm not just a big wussy who doesn't know how to push herself.

With all that said, I couldn't be more grateful that it's a Friday.

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