Saturday, January 19, 2013

Inhale, Exhale Update

Remember how I was diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma? I have been using the inhaler for the past couple of weeks and I thought I would report back on how it's working for me.

At first I felt like it was doing nothing.

I still struggled with breathing and all of the techniques that I read about online were NOT helping. Dizzy spells were still random occurrences.

In keeping up with my 13 in '13, I attended family dinner last Sunday and discussed it with my oldest sister and Mom. I think my exact words were "Yeaaaa, I don't think it's working for me." I told them how I asked the Pharmacist for direction on how to take the inhaler and my sister (who is also a pharmacist) began to recite the same directions except she added one minor detail: take the inhaler about 20-25 minutes before you begin to exercise.


I don't know why I assumed the inhaler would start working right away after breathing in the medicine. I know it takes ibuprofen a good 20 minutes to start relieving pain, along with every other medicine that's out there. Maybe I got the idea from all the movies where a little kid or adult is saved from the grips of closed air passages as soon as they take their inhaler.


I followed my sister's directions and  BAM! The inhaler did what the doctor said it would do.

My heart rate didn't sky rocket like it normally does (normally the machine can't even read it, because it gets so high) which allowed me to follow through with a 42 minute workout. I wasn't struggling to inhale oxygen, I was able to take deep-from-my-belly breathes and let my breathing match my steps to a 3:3 breathing rhythm. With all of those things in line, I was able to run three miles, without stopping, for the first time in my entire life.

I've successfully used the inhaler - the CORRECT way - twice and both times I could tell a major difference in my performance. I'm excited about the possibility of really becoming a runner, and of course, the benefits that come along with exercising.
Also, I haven't had a dizzy spell once since that day.

The only way I can think to end this post is with my favorite cheer from 5th grade, the only year I was a cheerleader.

Vic-tory *clap**clap*, vic-victory! *clap**clap* Vic-tory, vic, vic-tory! *clap**clap*

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