Friday, March 29, 2013

Banking Woes

GOSH I hate banking.

Things were a lot easier when I was in high school, working at Pizza Hut, and only had to run to Members Credit Union every two weeks to cash my check. I don't think I even had a debit card then, my parents had been using them for so long they didn't even care that I didn't have an account of my own. My money was usually blown on clothes, hair, and make-up anyways. Oh and gas, too. But that was back when gas was $0.99 a gallon and I could fill my little Chrysler Horizon (loved that precious little blue car) up with $10 whoppin dollars. Whatever. The point is I don't think I ever actually deposited any money into the credit union account.

For whatever reason when I moved to Bloomington I thought it was a GREAT idea to open a bank account with Chase. I liked the idea of having a bigger bank, and at the time I felt like it was a small bit of evidence that I was growing up and didn't need the account that I had set up with my parents to survive financially. I remember the first time I logged in and saw my student loan money had hit - pay day! I was so dumb then. If I only knew then what I know now...

I started working pretty much right when I got down there for school, and for the first time ever I remember trying to save money for whatever disaster was due to strike. It felt good, but I never did get the hang of it. I remember anytime I was desperate for a little financial help from my Dad he would be willing to help to a certain point, but would groan about how long the lines were at Chase and how much easier this would be if I still had my account at the credit union. Eventually I got to the point where I knew I shouldn't be running to him if I needed money help, that I would need to figure this out on my own.

Things with school weren't panning out as I had hoped.

{Tangent Alert}It's hard to know when your 18 years old what you want to do with the rest of your life. I know a lot of people who knew exactly what they wanted to do and they went and did it. I know a lot of people, too, who didn't know what they wanted but they wanted to finish school so they did and they now have a degree they aren't using. Finally, I know a lot of people who are like me... and don't want to spend the money to finish school just because it's what you're supposed to do. If I'm not totally into something, then I don't give it my all. C's aren't acceptable grades to me, so if I can't go and put my mind to it to get an A or a B, then it's not worth it to me. {Tangent Alert Over}

I landed a job at Author Solutions and started the beautiful process of having checks directed deposited into my Chase account. Oh, what a happy day it was when I got my first real, 80 hour, paycheck. I remember thinking, "well, this is easy! Just show up to work, do what you're told and they'll pay you and they'll insure you!" I never had a problem with Chase not depositing my check, I never had a problem logging into my account, and I certainly never had a problem simply trying to check my balance.

Fast forward about seven years.

Since Sean and I are getting married, I decided I would make the financial stuff as easy as possible for him and transfer all of my stuff over to PNC since he was already established there. How sweet of me.

Lucky me, I'm marrying a man with a finance degree who knows how to handle and save money.

However, from the very first day I opened my account with PNC I have had problems. The website never loads properly - I always get at least two error messages before the site completely crashes on me. Twice now, my card has been declined when I know for a fact there is money in the account (and no, the money wasn't pending, it was just sitting there waiting to be used). And probably the most annoying thing that's happened the last three pay days - "We're sorry, we are experiencing difficulties and you cannot access your account at this time." WHAT?! Why?! It's my account! Let me see my paycheck before I go donkey on your buttocks (is that a saying?).

This never happened with Chase. If for some reason the website was down, we got a nice little e-mail letting us know other ways we could check our balance. With PNC, I've got nothing. No e-mail, customer support is always backed up (probably because a thousand other people are calling in), and their ATM's seem to go offline the same time their website does.

I used to say I hate Chase, but looking back, Chase was good. PNC is like the little brother who can't get figure out how to tie their shoes and they keep tripping all over everyone and everything.

I know a lot of women who are afraid to give up their financial freedom once they are married, but I am not one of them. We're waiting until we're actually married to add my account to his, but besides actually marrying Sean, that is going to be one of the best days of my life. I can't wait until my only role financially is to go to work each day, try to make more money each year, and follow the budget that Sean and I have negotiated.

Have I said, I can't wait?!

This banking nonsense is for the birds.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Very Delayed Long-Weekend Recap

Harry ‘Buddy’ Lee DeVol III, 59

JAN. 18, 1954 — MAR. 16, 2013

My dearest best friend, Ashley, lost her father to a hard-fought battle with skin cancer. Ashley and her Dad, Buddy, had the type of relationship that most father-daughters only wish for. They fished together, they cooked together, they hung out together whenever they could. Ashley was "Daddy's little girl" and there isn't anyone who would tell you differently.

When I found out he passed away, I knew I couldn't be anywhere else but down in Bloomington with her and her family during the process of giving him a proper farewell. Ashley has been there for me through all of my ups and downs and in's and out's over the past gazillion years, and I've come to love her family as much as I love her. I needed to be there.

After a little resistance from my boss - hey, I had the time to use, let me go be with my friend during the hardest time of her life. K, thanks. I took Thursday and Friday off to work and spent four days down in Bloomington.

I packed a ton of clothing, and pretty much anything I thought I would need for a 10 day trip for a long weekend away. I'm a major over-packer, so I was happy that I could literally pack my last seat full of four different sweatshirts, dress clothes, spread-out clothes, shoes galore, my pillow, blankets, etc. When you aren't sure where you'll be staying it's good to be prepared.
Getting their hair did.

The four days in Bloomington went really fast, as they usually do.

I got to Buddy's house around 1:30, just in time for the family to hold their private service for Buddy in the basement. Mandy, Patrick and I stayed upstairs with two of the little girls to keep them occupied. Mandy and I had our hair done by the little girls - which turned out well for Mandy, but turned out to be a horrible idea for me considering I wore my hair curly that day and used a ton of hairspray. OUCH! Thankfully Patrick was willing to take my spot and have his hair combed. I won't even mention the packing peanuts we let them play with - WHAT was I thinking?!

After the service ended, we joined everyone downstairs and enjoyed food that Mandy donated from the restaurant she manages. Mandy deserves an award for always being so willing to just be there, whenever, whatever, and however she is needed. I can see why she's earned the best friend title from Ashley.

Sean came down for a little bit to give his condolences and spend a little time with us. He brought beautiful bright pink roses for Ashley, and we all enjoyed good conversation before he took off to visit his brother in St. Louis for the NCAA tourney.
Brandis, Me, Ashley - please note the scenery.

Thursday night we spent the evening at Chad (Ashley's brother) and Karen's (Chad's BEAUTIFUL fiance) and I was quickly reminded HOW MUCH I MISS this group of people. Grilling in 18 degree weather, playing garage volleyball, and drinking crap beer are only minor reasons. The major reason is that I was happy - these people make me happy. There's friendship, there's respect, there's silliness, there's companionship, and most importantly there's an invisible string that binds us all together and that string is braided with years of helping each other live our best lives. It's true that you just don't find good friends everywhere, and when you do find them NEVER LET THEM GO.
Friday afternoon I had my second interview (whoop! whoop!) which went really, really well. They are
expected to make a decision in the coming week or so and Sean and I will then decide what direction our life will take. While he was in St. Louis he had Chinese food, and he sent me a picture of his fortune - I think it says it all!

After my interview, Ashley met me at the mall and we wondered around shopping. I bought some cute jeans and the same IU sweatshirt that Ashley has, but in red. What can I say, she has good taste! We then went back to Chad and Karen's to watch IU beat James Madison Dukes to advance in the tourney.

Friday night, Ashley's bff from high school came from Terre Haute to visit and be there for the family. I hadn't ever really had a chance to hang out with her, and I am so glad she came because she's a doll. She's just like Ashley. I had so much fun getting to know her and we ended up talking well into the night while everyone else slept.

My hair still smells like camp fire.
Saturday was the Celebration of Life for Buddy at his house. I suppose I should have painted you a picture so you could know what his place is like. The most important thing to note is that he built the house with his own two hands, and it's probably the most unique house I've ever entered. From the outside it looks like a cabin, but on the inside it is just stunning. You walk in the foyer and you are welcomed by an open-concept, wood-framed A-frame ceiling, with a sunken living room and a fireplace that you usually only see in magazines. The house sits on 72 acres of land, so as you can imagine there's always a fascinating view no matter the season.

There were a lot of people who came to pay their respects, and the day was jam packed with hugs, tears, and thankfully, sunshine. As the evening approached, a bonfire was started and beers were cracked open. The rest of the night was spent partying it up the way Buddy would have wanted - lots of singing, guitar playing, dancing, food, and enjoying each other's company.

I was quickly reminded Sunday morning that I am no longer in my young 20's and I can't party hardy like I used to. After attempting to swallow down Mexican food from my favorite Mexican restaurant in Bloomington, I made the trek home just in time to watch IU barely make it past Temple to advance to the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA tourney.

And then I slept. Hard.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Recap

We may or may not have started
celebrating on Thursday night with $3
beers at Stacked Pickle.
It was all Sean's idea.

Saturday afternoon IU played in the Big Ten Tourney, the game was set for 1:40pm and well, we just won't talk about how that game ended.

However, everything else went perfectly wonderful that day. Except my desserts, but I'll explain more in a bit.

We invited whoever wanted to come over, to come over - any time after noon.

I knew no one in my family could attend sadly, since it was such late notice. Lucy was sick, Justin & Erin had plans with friends, Jenny & Patrick were attending a birthday bash, and Laura was working. Oh, and my parents were in Arizona soaking up the sunshine and enjoying Red's Spring Training baseball. insert copious amounts of jealousy here. Maybe next time.
Sean's family on the other hand was available, so his parents, sister, and their combo of three puppies came over to visit. Sean's friend Marsh, and our best brew friends came over. It was a good mixture of sports-nuts, beer-nuts, and girly talk. (We also finalized our menu for the rehearsal dinner which is super exciting!)

Friday night Sean hit up the liquor store and packed our fridge full of Guinness, Irish beers, and he even got me a little treat - Sixpoint's 3 Beans Beer. It's a mix of beer and coffee, and I just love it! Sean's Dad brought a cooler full of different beers, as well as our best brew friends. There was no shortage of beer, or styles of beer that day.

I made two crock pots of meat - one chicken, and one steak and we had all of the taco fixin's to feed everyone who was hungry. I also tried my hand at baking and while everyone said my concoctions tasted good.. they weren't really pretty, and they definitely didn't turn out as planned.

I hate baking. It's officially official.

Even though I sprayed the shiz
out of the bottom of this...
I made (No Bake) Mint Oreo Melt aways and St. Patrick's Day Blondie's (You can click on the names of the baked goodies to get to the recipes.) If you would like to try to make either, and then comment on how awesome your attempt turned out, I encourage it. It won't even bother me, because I have officially decided I am just not a baker.

I hate that I have to use measuring spoons and watch the timer. I hate that you can't substitute whatever you're missing for something else that you actually have in your cabinet, and I hate the time it takes to prepare, bake, and clean up. Cooking is way different to me - I can create things, "Betsy Recipe's" as I like to call them. I can add, take away, or completely change a recipe at my will. But, not with baking. If you don't follow the recipe to a T you might as well as pick up store-made cookies and ice cream to back you up. And sometimes, like in my case, even when you do follow the recipe to a T it still doesn't turn out as anticipated. It's annoying. And I hate it. And it makes me grumpy.

Anyways, to further my point the (No Bake) Mint Oreo Melt aways never set so it was messy, gooey, and not pretty. It did, however, still taste good... or so they said. The St. Patrick's Day Blondie's were okay. But, they were kinda boring.

There were lots of shirts to choose from, but this one
seemed most appropriate.

Elizabeth agreed to be the baker of the Davies family, so at least I have that side of family covered. Praise the baby Jesus!

We all basically just sat around, enjoyed each others company and enjoyed food and drink. Basketball was on the TV ALL DAY so we didn't watch any movies or anything. Elizabeth showed me her plans for her hair the day of our wedding (love it!) while Colleen worked on her crossword puzzle and the guys talked about beer, food, basketball, and the weather. Speaking of the weather, we didn't have the amazing weather we had last year so the windows were all shut and we had our heat on. I hung silly clover garland over the drapes and Sean had on his super cheesy St. Patrick's Day shirt. He has no Irish in him, but I do, so the day was worth celebrating.

And now I feel like I'm reaching to add more substance to the day, but there isn't really much else to report. Good food, great company, yummy beers, and bad desserts. I hope your St. Patrick's Day was just as fulfilling!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Whew! Where have I been?!

Sorry for my lack of blogging. I blame a couple of things. Major writers block, lack of exciting news, yucktastic weather that doesn't seem to want to break, and a lack of my usually scheduled March trip to Florida for baseball, sun, and quality time with Sean.

But mostly, I blame tax season.

I work my normal 9-6 job, and then four days a week I jog over to the east side of Indy and put in a good three hours at an accountant's office. The money is nice, I couldn't ask for a nicer accountant (he's family), and it feels good to be back on the good ole east side for a little bit. But MAN am I tired when I get home! I usually get home around 10pm, plop myself in front of the TV and then crawl into bed around midnight.

So, please forgive me.

I could be totally shady about it and use the schedule feature in Blogger that allows you to date blog posts in the past, but that's a lot of work and I don't see the need. Although, I may do that one time so I can post about our awesome St. Patrick's day celebration with friends and Sean's family.

Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoosiers!
I have made a lot of strides in the race to the wedding, but that'll be another post.

I am proud to say that even with all of this working, I am still managing to get a workout in here and there. Not as much as I used to, but as of this morning the scale is still moving in the downward direction which is very motivating to me! Eat right. Exercise when you can. Drink tons of water. Results will come.

Here's a picture of my beautiful red dress and red and white scarf that I'm sporting today. I've declared this an all-red week in honor of my beloved Hoosiers getting a number one seed in the east. The tourney starts Thursday, but we don't play until Friday. I'm so pumped!

That's all for today, friends!

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Habeumus Papam

We have a new pope!

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio from Argentina was elected pope today and will go by the name Pope Francis I.

As soon as I heard there was white smoke I searched the news sites for a live feed. Thankfully ABC was covering the event so I was able to see the white smoke, the crowd, the bells, and finally watch him come out from behind the red curtains. It's pretty incredible to see the amount of people in St. Peter's square waiting for him to appear , and it's pretty incredible to think that I have stood in that very square not that many years ago. I picked up a red rosewood rosary on that trip that I gave to my goddaughter (my niece), Lucy, on her first birthday. I saw it this summer while I was babysitting her, and it is just as beautiful as I remember!

What a special day.

I don't have sound on my computer, but my boss informed me that before he blessed the people, he asked for a blessing from the people. And he bowed his head as the people blessed him. I love him already.

God bless you, Pope Francis I!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Indiana Hoosiers - B1G Ten Champs!

So, I'll be the first to admit that I haven't watched every second of every game. Sometimes it's just too much for me - the stress, the up's, the downs, the you're-playing-terrible moments, the moments that look like high-light reels but it's really happening in right now, in real life, and everything in between.

But I'll also be the first to admit that I love my Hoosiers. The mountain they had to climb to get where they are now seemed impossible not that long ago. Riddled with sanctions and bad judgement calls, Tom Crean picked up the program and brought it back to life. I love that man. I love that mean even after he had a weak moment and called Jeff Meyers out after the game.

No team deserved it more. Albeit an ugly game, in a sea of bright yellow, a win is a win and a win is always earned.

Congratulations, boys.

Congratulations, fans.

Congratulations, Coach Crean.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Birthday Celebration x 2

Yesterday, Saturday, we celebrated Jenny's (Feb. 24) and Patrick's (yesterday!) birthday's. We got together at my parents house and ate delicious snacks that consisted of meatballs, taco dip, veggies, and of course - cake! We all ooo'd and aaa'd as they opened their gifts... which was mostly gift cards, and grilling stuff! It really put me in the mood for spring. Even though Carmel Landing doesn't allow grilling, I am still looking forward to grilled food from cookouts with family and friends.

Jenny made sure Pat didn't get to blow out the candles, and then we all enjoyed cake (Angel Food cake with whipped icing - yum!)!

They both turned 27 this year.
And of course, no gathering would be complete without a full-on wrestling match between at least one adult and Lucy & Eli. Patrick was the target this time!

This picture pretty much sums up the day - Mom admiring Graham, Cara hoping neither of her kids get another boo-boo and/or nothing gets spilled, Lucy sitting on Jenny, and Laura and Eli attacking each other.

Ah, good times.

I can't imagine Jenny's knee's being the most comfy spot in the room.

Also, my Mom and I started working on the flower girls dresses for the wedding. An update to come soon!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Friday Night Shenanigans

We started out at our current favorite go-to, Tomlinson Tap Room. It's a cool place because you can get food from the city market, which is just right downstairs. This was the first time we got food from there and we were very happy we did! Since it was a Friday in Lent, we played it extra safe and went for bread sticks.
Bearded Sean with our MASSIVE bread sticks from a cute pizza place at the Indianapolis City Market.

Did I mention they were massive? But scrumptious!
After enjoying some yummy Indiana beers with our best brew friends, we traveled back to the Carmel side of town and decided to check out Matt the Miller's Tavern. We were very happy with their beer selection and the servers were all very nice. We're definitely adding it to our list of places to go. However, we did manage between the two of us to spend $50 on beer! That's the thing about fancy beer, it's more expensive than your average Coors Light. But, I must say our time there was a good one and we found a new favorite beer so it was money well spent.

Sean admiring the beer list, me admiring... myself. Ha.
Well, isn't that the truth!
My new favorite beer, Matilda from Goose Island.    

Friday, March 8, 2013

Stuffed Peppers

Happy Friday!

Last night I made stuffed peppers.
I followed this {click here} recipe from Table for Two.. for the most part. I used ground chicken instead of ground turkey. I don't know, there's just something about ground turkey that gives me the eebie jeebies.

I had good intentions when I first started making these peppers, but things went down hill pretty quickly.

I got a little confused about what she meant when she said "place the peppers on the baking sheet up right"... what the heck? Up right as in the inside of the pepper is up, or up right as in the outside of the pepper is up? I tried to call my Mom for clarification, but she was busy so she couldn't answer. I was prepared to go down the list of my sisters until someone answered. I figured Cara or Jenny may have made stuffed peppers in the past so they might know, and if neither of them answered I knew I could laugh with Laura about how I was totally confused over such a simple thing. Thankfully Cara answered, technically Joe answered, but handed the phone over to Cara. I explained to her my confusion and she said, "well, how did you cut the peppers? long ways or side ways?"


I cut the pepper long ways. You're supposed to cut them in half on the side, "to make little cups" as Cara explained it.

We decided it would still work, the cups just wouldn't be as deep as they normally would be. I thanked her for her time, and got back to cooking.

I decided since I had already kinda screwed things up, this was going to be a process that needed wine.

I drizzled the peppers (inside UP!) with olive oil and stuck them in the oven.

While the peppers were roasting, I diced 3/4 of a red onion and cooked the ground chicken and onion together. Once the chicken was thoroughly cooked, I added I cup of frozen corn and 1 and 1/2 cup of black beans.

I piled the mixture into the peppers, covered them with cheese (hey! the recipe said to "sprinkle a good amount of cheese"! I was just doing what I was told.) and plopped them in the oven. The recipe says to turn on the broiler and allow the cheese to melt, but I have a gas stove which means you basically have to lay your food on the floor to use the broiler... not happening! I miss using an electric stove like whoa.

The result was... they were okay. I felt like I put a TON of cumin, salt, and pepper in the mix but it was just kind of bland. I liked the yellow pepper better than the green pepper.

I think next time I will use pepper jack cheese instead of Monterrey Jack, and I would have added some other veggies to give it some more flavor. I dosed mine in Frank's Red Hot and that really kicked the meal up a notch.

Cheers to the weekend!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wedding Dreams

I haven't felt much stress yet when it comes to wedding planning. I have a pretty good plan, and all of the big stuff is already addressed. You already know the bridesmaid dress caused me a little bit of stress, but once that was resolved I haven't really felt much anxiety. I love the details in things, so even the little things haven't really got my stress levels rising.

However, I've already had THREE wedding nightmares. Two I remember, one I do not. I expected these to start creeping in once we get closer to the wedding, but they seem to know no timeline. No matter how relaxed I am about the process, my subconscious or whatever my dreams are made of just doesn't care.

The first one came pretty early, right after the holidays. I was roaming around our reception venue and I couldn't find Sean, or any of my immediate family. All of our wedding guests were lounging around all over the place - there was no music, no food, it was chaos. I remember at one point Elizabeth and I were walking around with presents wondering where I was going to put them. She decided it would be best to lock them in her car for safety reasons, and that's the last I saw of her. I remember thinking, "this is a disaster!" ...And then I woke up.

The second nightmare happened not long after the first, but I honest to goodness cannot remember what happened. And I think I'm okay with that.

The third nightmare happened last week. I went to pick up my dress and they told me the dressmaker couldn't make it and had sent a different dress for me to wear. It was AWFUL. It looked like something that a beginner sewer had attempted to make from a pattern she found on Pinterest. The material was that super shiny fake-looking satin material, and it had no train. No bling, either. It was either suck it up and wear that dress or, they said I could try on a dress that I had previously tried on and just sorta-kinda liked. It looked almost exactly like Khloe Kardashian's wedding dress but my curves were not being accentuated in the nice womanly way that Khloe's are... and it most definitely was not Vera Wang like Khloe's dress. But I knew it was better than the shiny fake-looking satin dress they had presented to me. We paid the rest of the bill (in real life, they had better given me that dress for close to nadda!), and as we were leaving the store I stepped down a stair and turned to say something to my oldest sister... and then I woke up.

I've just laughed these wedding nightmares off, mostly because I don't put much stock into what my dreams mean. I know every bride-to-be has them, and they typically never come to fruition.

Besides, as I've said before I have been feeling pretty darn confident about wedding planning...

Until last night.

I realized we are only six months and one week away.

Six months doesn't seem like enough time to get everything done that I want to get done. I could feel the knot in my tummy growing, so I made a list for myself to complete this month (with the help of The Knot wedding app on my phone). I told myself to relax, that I have a great support system in my family and friends, and it would all be perfectly fine. I rolled over, and fell asleep.

My last thought was, "Well, here comes another wedding nightmare..."


Instead I dreamed about my sisters and I having a cookout at some house that I have never been in before, and they were grilling mice. Mice. To eat.

To me, mice are single-handily the grossest creatures on earth. I don't think they're cute. I don't think they should be kept as pets. I don't see anything good about them. I think they're sneaky, dirty, and ratty.

And my sisters were going to eat them, grilled & seasoned.

As they were beginning their feast, I remember walking into the back room thinking "this is NOT happening..." ...And then I woke up.

On my drive into work I let this all sink in.

No, no wedding nightmare. No dream about the bridesmaids dresses being the wrong color, or the ice cream cake melting before anyone gets to take a bite... not even a dream about the flowers dying before I walked down the aisle. No wedding nightmare at all the night I had my first mini anxiety attack over wedding details.

Instead, I dreamt that my sisters were eating mice for dinner.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wobbly Wednesday & Life Update

Ah, it's been too long.

I'm not keeping up with my 13 in '13 by posting something everyday.

It seems like I'm not keeping up with anything I promised myself as of late.

Guess I better get back to that! And by that I mean blogging, excercising, logging my food, etc.

I'm ready for the weather to get warmer, I don't need 70's or 80's yet, but 50's and 60's would be nice!

And here's a crazy turn for you...

I had an interview yesterday.

In Bloomington.

I'm not ready to make the move back to Bloomington yet, but Sean and I have agreed that either Mooresville or the Greenwood area might work for us. And if that's the case, it opens up a whole new world of job opportunities for me. Which makes me happy, and very excited! Bloomington was home to me for a solid ten years and I'd be lying to you if I told you I didn't miss it. I feel that if we move to the southern part of Indy, I could have a better balance of family, friends, and work life. We shall see!

The interview went very well, and I rocked out (what I thought, at least) a super cute interview outfit. The two people interviewing me were more interested in learning about me and my personality, than they were about my past experience. They have a culture there that promotes happy living, balance, and creative problem-solving.

Sounds about right to me.

They have not offered the job to me, and they might not. If they do offer me the job, I'm about 80/20 on whether I'd take it or not.

And don't get my wrong, it's not that I mind my current job... it's just that there's no where for me to go here. My future here isn't bright, and that's mostly because there is no position above me that I would be able to take or that I would even want to take. No es bueno.

I'll keep you updated.

Onto some motivation to get us through this snowy (hopefully the last one of the season!) Wednesday...

And this post would not be complete without this adorable picture of my nephew, Graham. I think he was a little tired of seeing the back of my phone at this point.

Friday, March 1, 2013

you + me = bff

I already have three besties, and I've been known to say "I don't need anymore friends, I have all I need." But this is a cute idea that some other bloggers have done, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I think it would be interesting to challenge my besties to put a list together of what it's like to be my bestie... but they all have super busy lives right now so I'll just go with my own perception of myself. Lucky you.

You can also check out Notably Neurotic and splendid actually to see what it's like to be besties with them. I have become hooked on their blogs and to be perfectly honest, I've never met either of them in person. Ah, the joys of the internets.

So you want to be my bestie?

Mexican food and I have a serious love affair going on.

I'm not a morning person so don't even try.

One of my favorite things to do is get a group together, make dinner and imbibe scrumptious drinks. Any day of the week works for me.

On a similar note, learn to love Porch Beers.

I'm not athletic. Like, not at all. However, I am  a GREAT fan. So if you play sports, I'll be there to watch... with a beer in hand... yelling at you to run faster.

I have three sisters, so I know how to play nice with other girls.

I rarely see someone that I think is ugly. So if you want to sit around and be judgmental about others looks, I'm probably not going to see it. Unless they've been mean to you or me, then I'll see it big time.

Sean and I LOVE craft beer. And each other. A lot.

Also, sometimes Sean and I act like super-old people and sit at home all night.

I can't stand girls that say "I just can't be friends with girls." If you can't get along with your peers, then you might want to do some self-examining.

I already have three besties, and in the past we've tried adding another to the crew and it just doesn't seem to ever work out... so you need to be pretty awesome.

I love Sex & The City, the television shows and the movies.

I love God, I am Catholic, and I am proud of it.

I love girls nights. And yes, they tend to get a little nutz. They usually carry a theme and we do not take it lightly.

So, there you have it. The very basic of the basics of what it's like to be my bestie.

Happy Friday!